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Glenn Rodent 5:38 Tue Oct 7
The Allardyce dilemma...
I am curious as to where people stand with Allardyce right now.

So let's say you are David Sullivan and today Allardyce's agent contacts you to confirm that a rival Premier League club has offered Allardyce a two year deal from the start of next season mirroring his current salary & bonus.

Allardyce says he wants clarification on his future today otherwise he is going to take up the other offer and leave in the summer.

So based on how things stand right now, would you

Let him go in the summer.
Agree a new two year deal to run from next summer.

I'm going with B. I'll admit I was always pro Allardyce right up until Hull at home last year which was the final straw for me. But this season you have to give him credit. He is proving he is open to change and for that I will go B.

So let's have it, A or B. There is no C option.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Geoff 12:57 Fri Oct 10
Re: The Allardyce dilemma...
The team's playing decent football right now so common sense says if we carry on playing well we should stick with him. Problems could arise if and when Carroll is fit. Will he resort to type and revert to hump and lump just to accommodate our record signing?

easthammer 12:03 Thu Oct 9
Re: The Allardyce dilemma...
I never thought that Allardyce was a comfortable fit with West Ham. I don't like him but don't think he deserves the pasting he gets on here. He has done what was required by the owners if not the fans.

I did think he would get us out of the Championship and he did. He exceeded realistic expectations in the first year back in the premiership and I thought he would keep us up last year and he did albeit playing unattractively. But I guess given the choice of that or relegation we would choose the former. (I don't think winning in the Championship is preferable)

This year he has surprised me so far. If we finish in the top half (long way to go) it will be seen as satisfactory and the temptation to offer him another couple of years will be great. And maybe until we have settled in the new stadium that might be wise. When the new money arrives as we all think will happen then we will definitely need to say thank you and goodbye.

Mind you he might surprise me further and not seek an extension, leaving while he is ahead. Funnier things have happened.

Darby_ 11:37 Wed Oct 8
Re: The Allardyce dilemma...
You have to laugh at the excuse making. Some of us have been saying for years that Sam's Bolton started playing good football towards the end, and that it was just a matter of being patient.

Arko 11:32 Wed Oct 8
Re: The Allardyce dilemma...
Any Old Iron, I agree. For 3 million a year (and the prospect of taking West Ham into the OS) it should be possible to find a young, upcoming, international manager with nous about modern football who can continue to estbalish us in the Premier League, play attacking football on a regular basis AND who can bed in youth players into the first team as well.

Maybe also a manager who 'gets' West Ham as a club a bit more, even if they have to do some research about it first if it is a foreign manager.

Any Old Iron 11:19 Wed Oct 8
Re: The Allardyce dilemma...
What dilemma? There is no dilemma when it comes to getting shot of Allardyce. We're only playing decent football 'cause Carroll's injured and he was forced into changing style by the owners. Also, just how many of the players making a difference are one's that he chose?
As per usual he fucked up a cup competition by picking a weak side at home Sheff Utd, a game we should have walked.
I really don't know what he does to justify his £3M per annum. The sooner he goes the better.

whu 11:08 Wed Oct 8
Re: The Allardyce dilemma...
he has to go

not west ham

never will be

£3mil a year softener to keep the cunt in pies

can't deny it's better

can't deny he was about to be shown the door in may or before

overall his tenure has been dogshit with no humility or respect for the club or its supporters

easy call to rip this post apart today and not read rest of thread but for me - he must go and we must get a proper FOOTBALL manager in

Arko 11:07 Wed Oct 8
Re: The Allardyce dilemma...
Will he still be the 13th highest paid football manager in the world next season ?

Norflundon 11:00 Wed Oct 8
Re: The Allardyce dilemma...
If we carry on approaching games the way we are come the end of the season he'd throughly deserve a new deal but why would we offer him one now?he won't get the dough he's on now anywhere else. Will be interesting to see what happens when AC is fit and nolan has been back a while if we hit a bad run of form if we revert back to our bad old ways.

RBshorty 10:54 Wed Oct 8
Re: The Allardyce dilemma...
Could even be the Manager too help QPR get out of the Championship next season.?

RBshorty 10:50 Wed Oct 8
Re: The Allardyce dilemma...
If we carry on playing like what are doing. Then there is no question of G&S offering up a new contract. But I'll be shocked if the Fat Man would sign it. After the shit. (Yes.Most of it. Is of his own making.) Had to endure.!

Whufc06 10:44 Wed Oct 8
Re: The Allardyce dilemma...
There's no way he'll get offered a bigger job than ours so he can wait.

Far Cough 10:43 Wed Oct 8
Re: The Allardyce dilemma...
I think Sam is having his Jay Jay, Anelka, Djourkaef moment

PorkHole 10:41 Wed Oct 8
Re: The Allardyce dilemma...
How long before the chants of 'We are Big Sam's claret and blue army'?

Capitol Man 4:59 Wed Oct 8
Re: The Allardyce dilemma...
Long season to go. No need to decide yet. If he doesn't want his contract extended then I won't shed too many tears.

If it carries on like this then I'd certainly like him in place for another couple of years.

I'm not sure any more attractive option is going to come open to him even if he has a great season.

motley crue 4:02 Wed Oct 8
Re: The Allardyce dilemma...
It's going well atmo but only 7 games, let's see how he does if injuries occur or players lose form.

Hammers1993 3:38 Wed Oct 8
Re: The Allardyce dilemma...
No dilemma is it really? If the team keeps up this consistency why would you want rid?

If it wern't great again this season then fair enough finish your contract thanks for everything, ta da.

But if these performances continue, surely he deserves an extension, I for one am enjoying how we are playing this season.

Andrew Ware 2:54 Wed Oct 8
Re: The Allardyce dilemma...
Surely his personal terms feature in this debate as a factor as well.
if he really is the
13th Best paid Manager in the World....

Then in terms of results verses cost
for me it HAS to be A.

I felt lots of people missed the point last season,
it wasnt just our playing style,
it was the playing style and the poor results in the context of an expensive ticket pricing structure, reputedly the 4th highest ticket prices in the Premiership,

AKA ERNIE 1:37 Wed Oct 8
Re: The Allardyce dilemma...

UNIHAMMERED 1:36 Wed Oct 8
Re: The Allardyce dilemma...

busheyhammer85 1:33 Wed Oct 8
Re: The Allardyce dilemma...
Can't criticise him at the moment.

Keep up the good work.

Arko 1:31 Wed Oct 8
Re: The Allardyce dilemma...
Allardyce strikes me as a manager very set in the way he likes his football and how he likes players to perform.

So now the owners have to make (at least a few) signings over his head (apparently Allardyce wasn't keen on Sakho) and they needed to tell him that more attractive, attacking, passing on the deck football was required - and he is on massive wages.

A manager on massive wages shouldn't need to be told how to play, which players to play, how to set up and so forth. That's the kind of stuff you pay him for.

Are we really supposed to believe we played all this crap football last season because of injury problems (all teams have them) or because nobody told Allardyce it might be a good idea to be a bit more positive when setting up the team ?

Our current squad is one many managers would kill for to manage it. The opportunities and formations we can play now are endless.
Is Allardyce really the kind of manager you'd expect to get the most out of this massive potential we now have ? I doubt it.

Let him run down his contract and start sorting out a decent, hopefully slightly younger, replacement now.

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